Category: Lifestyle

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The Government of the Principality has delivered medical equipment received by the Tata Somba Benin

In an informal ceremony in Seborga, the Government of the Principality has delivered September the 14th, wheelchairs and hospital beds received August the 20th from the Bénin Tata Somba Association, with whom it signe...

06/13/2015: Floral Art Competition “Fleurs Pulsion”

On Saturday 13 and Sunday 14, June 2015 took place the first edition of "Fleurs Pulsion" floral contest where 19 people attended both Italian and French artists and which allowed to admire their compositions in the ce...

05/24/2015: Visit of the delegation of the Embassy of Provence and of the “Corps du Guet et de Bravade” of Toulon (France)

Visit of the delegation of the Embassy of Provence and of the "Corps du Guet et de Bravade" of Toulon (France) For the 5th anniversary of the investiture of Prince S.A.S. Marcello I, the Embassy of Provence has bee...

Seborga float for the flower parade of Sanremo

Seborga float for the flower parade (Corso Fiorito) of Sanremo, March 8, 2015. The flower float Seborga is dedicated this year to the cyclist Marco Pantani, the pirate.

Japanese television NHK in Seborga

Japanese TV (NHK) in Seborga preparing a documentary to be broadcast on 8 April.

Seborga from sky

Discover exceptional aerial pictures of the Principality of Seborga filmed with a drone. All shots were done by RR3 Drones.

TgR Liguria “Il Settimanale” 3 Janurary 2015 – Principality of Seborga

Servizio sul Principato di Seborga del TgR della Liguria "Il Settimanale" andato in onda il 3 gennaio 2015. Interviste a S.A.S. Marcello I, Principe di Seborga e al Sindaco Enrico Ilariuzzi.

Happy new year 2015

The Seborgan people wish you a happy new year 2015!

Press Release: Santa Claus 2014 in Seborga

Anche quest’anno, come ormai da tradizione e nell’ambito delle Festività Natalizie, il giorno 14-12-2014, con inizio dalle ore 11.00, fino alle ore 18.00, sotto legida del C.C.N.( Centro Commerciale Naturale) , si ter...

happy Seborga

happy Principato di Seborga