Category: News EN

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06/13/2015: Floral Art Competition “Fleurs Pulsion”

On Saturday 13 and Sunday 14, June 2015 took place the first edition of "Fleurs Pulsion" floral contest where 19 people attended both Italian and French artists and which allowed to admire their compositions in the ce...

Events – Parties this summer 2015 in Seborga

As usual, this year with the start of summer ProLoco has released the schedule of events taking place in Seborga in July and August. Those are published below. For more information contact the ProSeborga at the num...

OFFICIAL RELEASE: Decree of the Principality on the use of flags in the territory of Seborga

Il Governo del Principato ha diffuso oggi sul suo sito ufficiale un decreto promulgato martedì scorso dal Principe Marcello I circa l’uso delle bandiere nel territorio del Principato. In esso è tra l’altro specificato...

06/2015: Sports news and upcoming events – Football and Wrestling

High activity period for the FCPS, the Football Federation of the Principality of Seborga. Founder and vice-president, Consul Marcel Mentil was indeed appointed Director of Diplomatic Relations of the NF-Board, the wo...

06/2015: Renovation works on the Martiti Partrioti square

A new place: "An agora for Seborga" Renovation works are in progress on the Martiri Patrioti square of Seborga with pedestrianization and the creation of an "agora". A new parking area will be available.

05/2015 : Free WiFi in Seborga

Installing a free WiFi internet access in Seborga --- Sistel Telecomunicazioni :

Female Waterpolo: Mediterranea Imperia European champion

The Mediterranea Imperia women's team is on the roof of Europe. The girls trained by Marco Capanna beat 8-7 the team of Padua (Plebiscito Padova) during the final of the European Women's LEN Trophy held in the pool Fe...

Pallanuoto World League Femminile Italia – Ungheria (IMPERIA 24/03/2015 19.45)

In occasione della grande partita di pallanuoto femminile valida per la World League 2015 prevista per martedì 24 marzo alle ore 19,45 presso la piscina 'Felice Cascione' di Imperia tutto il Principato di Seborga sarà...