Category: Culture
TgR Liguria “Il Settimanale” 3 Janurary 2015 – Principality of Seborga
Servizio sul Principato di Seborga del TgR della Liguria "Il Settimanale" andato in onda il 3 gennaio 2015. Interviste a S.A.S. Marcello I, Principe di Seborga e al Sindaco Enrico Ilariuzzi.
The book “Seborga: a place, a history, a Principality” is available for direct sale at “Il Cavaliere” The book "Seborga: a place, a history, a Principality" (written in French) is now available for direct sale at "Il Cavaliere" shop in Seborga! The book is a su...
Release of the book “Seborga: a place, a history, a Principality” Marcel Mentil presents his book "Seborga: a place, a history, a Principality" (written in French). The book is a summary of key dates in the history of the Principality starting from...
20/01/2003: Dubbing of knights by S.A.S. Giorgio I, Prince of Seborga
20/01/2003 (archives) Dubbing of new knights by S.A.S. Giorgio I, Prince of Seborga Film directed by Daniel Toujas :
05/24/2015: 5th anniversary of the investiture of S.A.S. the Prince Marcello I
On Sunday, May 24th, 2015, on the Place Saint Martin in Seborga were held the celebrations of the 5th anniversary of the nomination of H.S.H. the prince Marcello I in a festive atmosphere and with the presence of the ...
Japanese television NHK in Seborga
Japanese TV (NHK) in Seborga preparing a documentary to be broadcast on 8 April.
Christmas Party a Seborga the 8th of December 2017
Venerdì 8 dicembre, in occasione della Festa dell’Immacolata, cominceremo (finalmente!) ad entrare nel clima natalizio! Tutto il giorno in Piazza Martiri Patrioti si terrà un mercatino di Natale. Alle 14.30 Babbo N...
Inauguration of CNOS France and Handball exhibition match HDGB – HBC Thann-Steinbach (27/09/14)
Le complexe sportif de Burnhaupt-le-Haut (Alsace) recevait samedi 27 septembre 2014 le prince de Seborga, Marcello I, venu assister au lancement du Comité français de soutien à la candidature de la principauté aux Jeu...
Prince of Seborga on the ‘Luigino’
Prince Marcello of Seborga is in the Dukascopy TV studio to introduce a new currency. When the currency eventually hits the markets, one 'Luigino' will be worth 6 USD and just shy of 5 EUR. The Prince and his advisors...
Seborga – The Secret Room (Report from RivieraLife TV)
In the now closed Osteria dei Cacciatori, (The Hunter's Hostel) in the centre of Seborga, is a room with murals restored and designed by the late artist Raphael Gyllenbjorn. Raphael and his wife, the Swedish writer Br...